Welcome to the September 2017 release of the rolling-holes report. This report contains various stats on wormhole corporations/alliances activities throughout the month. This report will take a look at kills and losses for each group and some interesting cuts of the data. If you would like ot see some of the data behind the report, check out the Monthly Data

Special Notes**

The month of September showed to be quite full of activity in many different areas. Holesale got the first Sotiyo kill in W-Space. Shortly after Hard Knocks Inc. evicted the same corp from their C6 - Fortizar.

Absence of Light was evicted from thier hole by Interhole Revenue Service.

DURA LEXX was also evicted in September.

Hard Knocks Inc. and Lazerhawks had a massive Rorqual hunt that finally paid off, if you would like to read about it you can find more here

And last but certainly not least, The Tuskers Co. lost an AT ship, the Caedes, to Rats in the new event sites. The new rats were not showing up on overview so the ship was ultimately reimbursed… only to later be forgotten in the fleet bay of a Naglfar which met its end only 13 days later.

Kills and Losses

Here is the high level comparison of all the corporations/alliances kills and losses over the last month. Top isk destroyed this month goes to Hard Knocks Citizens with 763.7 (B) destroyed. Top Efficiency was Monyusaiya Industry Trade Group with 28.7 (B) destroyed.

The dotted line is a 50% efficiency line.

Wormhole Space Only Kills and Losses

For those of you wondering how much of this fighting actually happens inside of our wormhole space here is the chart to answer your questions.

Capital Kills

Below is the nubmer of capital kills by each group, if you so much as tagged on the kill credit is given (keep in mind for supers/titans). If you have suggestions on how to improve this check out the About page contact details.

Where are fights happening?

W-Space or K-Space

So for people who claim to live in wormholes how much of their isk killing actually happens in wormholes, and how much is hunting in null/low-sec? Values here being the percent of ISK Destroyed in each type of space.

Home vs Neutral vs Hostile

Here we are taking a look at who might be defending their home and who is doing the invading, or maybe who is too chicken to take fights out of home and who has no-fear to take the fight in hostile home systems. Here are the numbers we will let you decide the narrative…

Home = Home system, Hostile = Enemy Home System with the values being percent of ISK Killed + ISK Lost in each type of space.

Wall of Shame

This portion is dedicated to those of you with things you might not want others to see. Like how many interdictors have you welped or those NPC only losses. Better luck next month.

The Wingspan

Congratulations Lore Darkfire of Ember Sands on your Honorary Wingspan Membership this month for the most expensive Stratios loss at 1.5B. For those groups attempting to emulate Wingspan you can see how you measure up below.

Thanks for taking a look at this months report. If you have any questions see the About page for more details.